Wordpress Imagick

. This is a WordPress specific implementation of Imagick::thumbnailImage,. which resizes an image to given dimensions and removes any associated profiles.

  • WordPress Image Editor Class for Image Manipulation through Imagick PHP Module. /. Efficiently resize the current image. This is a WordPress specific.
  • Fix Performance Issues with Imagick and Shared Hosts. There are two different PHP modules WordPress uses for image processing: GD Library and Imagick (ImageMagick). Depending on what is installed on your server, WordPress may use either one. The problem is that shared WordPress hosts have a lot of hidden resource throttling behind the scenes.


Imagick Wordpress Plugin

  • Quick & easy to use: Install, activate, configure and start uploading new media images!
    To (re)compress existing media images use “Regenerate Thumbnails Plugin” or “WP CLI media regenerate” command.

  • New in 1.3.13 – “Full size Compressed”.
    Original file will be compressed to ‘filename’-(Width)x(Height).’ext’. Original image remains unchanged. Due to PHP-imagick resource limits, only if upload/original is not larger than 2500×2500 pixels.

  • New in 1.3.13 – “Sharpen JPEG Image”.
    Dual setting to sharpen full-size and thumbnail/sizes JPEG images.

  • New in 1.3.13 – “Transparent WebP”.
    Both transparent and opaque PNG images are converted to Webp.

  • After activation, only settings you maybe want to change is JPEG Compression Quality and SharpenImage Sigma.
    Choose your compression quality from 30% to 95%. Sharpen Image from 0.5 to 1.5 Sigma. For the rest of the settings, use defaults or feel free to experiment and have fun with. 😇

  • Automatic image optimization to thumbnails and conversion to WebP clones:
    No limits in number or size of images. No external service required. Compress better or keep higher image quality than WordPress does by default. Images will be automatically compressed on upload or on “regenerate thumbnails”. Uploaded image is always preserved in original state. Image Compression will always start from original image quality. You can’t “overoptimize”. Reoptimize existing images with “Regenerate Thumbnails plugin” single or batch process, or with “WP CLI media regenerate” command.

  • Compatible with “WP CLI media regenerate” command and/or with “Regenerate Thumbnails” plugin.
    Important Note: Since WordPress 5.3, BIG JPEG images reduced to 2560×2560 (by “Big Image Size Threshold” feature) and then manually edited by user, on regenerate, will be restored back to original (unedited) version. User edited modifications will be lost. See GitHub issue. Same bug/issue applies both to “WP CLI media regenerate” command and “Regenerate Thumbnails plugin”. To fix that bug/issue, install or upgrade Warp iMagick plugin to version 1.3.13 or above.

  • Compatible up to PHP 7.4.9 and tested against coding standards.
    Tested with PHP_CodeSniffer (phpcs) using WordPress Coding StandardsGitHub rules and PHPCompatibility rules.

  • Improve your site performance, Google PageSpeed score and SEO ranking when serving better compressed JPEG/PNG or WebP images.
    Every JPEG and every non-transparent PNG media image or thumbnail found during image optimization process is converted to WebP and saved as copy with .webp extension added. Default PNG&JPEG to WebP images compression quality is 75% (configurable). In addition, JPEG to WebP compression quality can be set to use & follow compression quality set for JPEG images.

  • WebP Delivery Note
    Due to variety of hosting server software, cache pugins or CDN used, this plugin even does not try to automagically configure your server to deliver WebP images. You will find instructions on how to configure server and deliver WebP images on the settings page. Click on HELP at the top right of the plugin SETTINGS PAGE. Serving WebP images requires manual (DIY) configuration of Apache .htaccess file or NGinx configuration & restart, or IIS or LiteSpeed …

  • Warp-iMagick – Image Optimizer gives you full control over images, file size and quality in image optimization process.
    Images optimization is customizable with advanced image compression settings. See the plenty of options used to optimize images in the Features section below.

  • Multisite support
    Designed to work on WP multisite. No known reason to fail on WP multisite, but not extensively tested yet!

  • Clean uninstall
    By default, no plugin settings are left in your database after uninstall. Feel free to install and activate to make a trial. However, you can choose to preserve plugin options after uninstall. For detailed uninstall info related to added WebP images, see the FAQ section below.

  • Privacy
    Warp-iMagick plugin does not collect nor send any personally identifiable data from your server. WordPress builtin cookies are used to store admin-settings page-state.

  • Known conflicts
    Due to use of bfi_thumb library which completely takes over wordpress WP_Image_Editor classes, in Ajax Search Lite plugin and in Circles Gallery plugin, Warp iMagick plugin will fail to activate while those plugins are active. Activating those plugins after Warp iMagick may cause malfunction of Warp iMagick.


  • Free and Private: No external service or signup required.
    Plugin uses only PHP software installed on your server.


Using The WordPress Plugin Repository

  1. Navigate to the ‘Plugins’ -> ‘Add New’ .
  2. Search for ‘Warp iMagick’.
  3. Select and click ‘Install Now’.
  4. Activate the plugin.

سوالات متداول

Which PHP extensions are required by this plugin?

  1. PHP-Imagick to compress JPEG/PNG files (required).
  2. PHP-GD for WebP files (optional, but usually installed).

In order to modify/resize/crop photos or images, WordPress requires at least PHP-GD. When both extensions are installed, WordPress prefers PHP-Imagick over PHP-GD.

Do I have both required PHP extensions installed?

  1. WordPress 5.2 and above: Administrator: Menu -> Tools -> Site Health -> Info -> Expand “Media Handling” and check if “ImageMagick version string” and “GD version” have values.
  2. WordPress 5.1 and below: Install Health Check & Troubleshooting plugin. Open “Health Check” plugin page and click on “PHP Information” tab. You will find there all PHP extensions installed and enabled. Search (Ctrl-F) on page for “Imagick” and “GD”.
  3. WordPress Editor class must be WP_Image_Editor_Imagick (or Warp_Image_Editor_Imagick) but NOT WP_Image_Editor_GD.
  4. PHP-Imagick extension must be linked with ImageMagick library version 6.3.2 or newer.
  5. PHP-GD extension version must be at least 2.0.0 to be accepted by WordPress Image Editor.

Does my web hosting service provide PHP Imagick and GD extensions?

  1. WPEngine: Both by default.
  2. EasyWP: Both by default.
  3. DreamHost: By configuration.
  4. SiteGround: Must enable.
  5. Ask your host-service provider.

How to install missing PHP-Imagick extension?

  1. Debian/Ubuntu: “apt-get install php-imagick”.
  2. Fedora/CentOs: “yum install php-imagick”.
  3. Ask your host-service provider.
Imagick php module

How to serve WebP images?

See the settings page HELP for instructions on how to configure server to redirect .jpg/.png to .jpg.webp/.png.webp, if such file exists and browser suports WebP image format.


Why WebP files have two extensions?

To prevent overwriting duplicate “WebP” files. With single extension, when you upload “image.png” and “image.jpg”, second “image.webp” would overwrite previous one.

Why is WebP setting (checkbox) disabled?

Because your server has no PHP-GD graphic editing extension or your PHP-GD extension has no WebP support.

What happens with images when plugin is deactivated or deleted?

  1. Existing images remain optimized. If you run “Regenerate Thumbnails” batch process, after plugin is deactivated or deleted, batch process will restore original file-size and quality of WordPress thumbnails.
  2. If you have WebP images, they won’t be deleted. You can delete all WebP images while plugin is active. To delete WebP images, disable WebP option and then batch-run “Regenerate Thumbnails” for all media images.

Wordpress Imagick

Why plugin fails to activate on my server?

Wordpress Imagick Error

Because your server has no PHP-Imagick installed or has too old version of PHP-Imagick.


Wordpress Imagick Vs Gd

Perfect for my project. I've been looking for a plugin to optimize the images in my VPS for some time. I'm glad I found it exactly when I needed it. I would like to donate for the plugin but I don't see any button.
  • I’m having a problem where wordpress is not being able to resize a gif and is throwing me the following error: Imagick is not installed.

    I’ve read that I have to install imagick, but I have no idea on how to start.

    Running a Virtuozzo VPS with CentOS. Can anybody provide me further info?

    • This topic was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by .

Wordpress Imagick Plugin

  • If your VPS is managed, open a support ticket with the host and they will take care of this for you.

    Else if your VPS has cPanel, Plesk, or DirectAdmin installed as a control panel, you should add the PHP imagick extension through the control panel.

    Otherwise, please be careful! Neither the current version of ImageMagick nor the PHP imagick extension is contained in the default CentOS repos, and the PHP imagick extension is fairly dependent on the installed version of ImageMagick.