Slack Mark As Unread

  • In Slack's mobile apps, tapping and holding on. If you want to mark a message you've viewed as unread, hold down the Option (Alt) key while clicking on it. In Slack's mobile apps, tapping.
  • Navigate through all the channels and conversations you recently had open. Did you get interrupted.
  • The best Slack keyboard shortcuts for Windows and Linux. Jump to a conversation: Ctrl+K Jump to the most recent unread message in a conversation: Ctrl+J Navigation – Move focus to the next.
  • Mark as Read or Unread Managing your messages’ read states is a good way to remind you where you left off in a conversation. To essentially mark your place in a conversation, just hold the “Alt” key (any platform) and select where you would like to mark as unread. Anything beyond that point will be considered new messages.
  1. Slack Mark Unread Iphone
  2. Mark As Unread Meaning
  3. Slack Mark As Unread Shortcut
  4. Slack Mark All Unread

You love Slack. We love Slack. Everyone loves Slack. At least, everyone I know who uses it, which is a lot of people. Slack is the newest in team based communication tools, right after GroupMe and Hipchat. But Slack is by far the fastest growing one. The Slack icon found its way to many Docks this past year, and consequently, our hearts. Talking about icons, seems Slack’s founder is on his way to become one too.

If you are using Slack, I’m sure you’re using it a lot, which is really the only way. If you’re using the Mac or Windows app, the keyboard shortcuts listed below will help you do things faster.

Speaking of the keyboard:

You can customize how Slack defaults to manage your unread content in your account preferences menu under “Read State Tracking.” Pro Shortcut: Hold the Alt key and select a message to quickly set an unread point. For mobile apps tap and hold on a message to see a pop-up menu giving you the option to mark something as unread.

Check out our ultimate guide to keyboard shortcuts for the most popular services to save 10-20 minutes of time every day.

1. The Quick Switcher

The Slack app comes with a Spotlight-esque Quick Switcher. Bring it up by pressing Cmd + K on Mac or Ctrl +K on Windows. Pressing this keyboard shortcut brings up a text field. Type in the first letters of a group chat, channel or personal chat and the option will be highlighted. Press enter to switch to that conversation.

In practice, if you’re running multiple teams, this is crazy fast when compared to using the old point and click mouse maneuver.

2. Press the Up Arrow to Edit

It will happen, you’ll type something wrong. To quickly bring back the last message you sent back to the text box, just press the Up arrow key.

3. Formatting Keys

Wrap your text in *asterisks* for bold, _underscores_ for italics, `grave accents` for code, and start the line with a “>” sign to make it a block quote. Formatting in Slack is similar to Markdown.

4. The Slash

In any text field, type in a forward slash to bring up multiple options. After the slash type in any command specified, press enter and you’ll be on the way. Here are some examples of how this works:

5. Mark a Message as Unread/Read

If you’ve read something but want to take action on it later, just mark the message as unread (a better system would be to Star a message). Click on the message while holding the Alt key. On the mobile apps you can use tap and hold.

Also, Esc marks messages in the current thread as read while Shift+Esc does it for all the messages in Slack.

6. All the Keyboard Shortcuts

On Mac press Cmd + ? (Ctrl + ? for Windows) to bring up a list of keyboard shortcuts for the app.

Bonus: Pro Search Tools

Slack supports operator based search in its apps, just like Evernote. In Slack, these are called “modifiers”. You can prefix search queries with these modifiers to narrow down the results and get where you want to go faster.

If you’ve been using Slack for a while, you probably have thousands, if not hundreds of thousands of messages exchanged. Using search modifiers like the person’s name, a channel, or a specific time frame will surely be of help. Check out the help page for more info.

Your Slack Tips

Are you an avid Slack user? Have you customized the Slackbot with custom loading screens, the UI, or the emojis? Have a special, super secret tip to share? Let us know in the comments below.

The above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. However, it does not affect our editorial integrity. The content remains unbiased and authentic.

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Notification Management

    • You may not need notifications for all activity within a channel. Adjust your notification requirements by selecting the settings icon (cog) at the top of the channel on desktop or using the drop-down menu (3 dots) on mobile, then settings, then notifications/notification preferences.

Pin important messages

    • You might want to pin the most current update of the project you are working on or your guide to using the channel. You can pin up to 100 messages per channel, but keeping it to crucial information is better.

Keyboard shortcuts

    • You can use keyboard shortcuts to navigate around the Workspace, mark a message as read or unread, format your messages, and more. Saving time and giving flow and process to your time in Slack.
    • When all the pictures and GIFs are making it hard to follow the conversation type “/collapse” into your text box, which will leave text only within the chat and reverse this type “/expand.”
    • To see the list of shortcuts hit “ctrl” and “/.”

Polls and surveys

    • Want to get some quick feedback from the team? Or trying to decide on meeting times? Use the command “/poll” and follow the instructions to call up the “Polly” app. Both powerful and fun.

Star items = quick list

    • Click “Show starred items” or use the keyboard shortcut “crtl_shift+s” for a quick list of all your starred messages. This hack can be useful to quickly review essential items and help you to come back to something you might not have time to handle at the moment.

Slackbot Reminders

    • Use the “/remind” command to give you a personal reminder, or to remind someone else on your team. An example is “/remind @Jeff of meeting at 2 pm”, your reminder will be sent at 2 pm to Jeff about your upcoming meeting.

Slack Mark Unread Iphone

Include posts

    • Where you need to share longer-form content, you can include posts in your Slack messages. You might want to share project plans, or quickly link to your code of conduct, vision, and mission statements.
    • Create a post – (On your desktop). Select the attachment icon (paperclip) → “Create new” → “Post.” From here, you can share your post, edit it, allow others to edit it, format the article, and add images to it—further instructions via the Slack help section.

Keyword Notifications

    • While you will get notifications if you are tagged or mentioned, it can be useful to get a notification. Likewise, when someone uses a specific keyword. Go to preferences, then notifications to set up your desired keywords. You will receive the notification, and the channel will display a badge.

Mark As Unread Meaning

Find mentions quickly

    • You can use the @ symbol on the top right on desktop to show, or hide, mentions if you are looking for a recent conversation (or you’re drowning in notifications). Or use the keyboard shortcut “ctrl” + ”shift” + ”m” to show and hide your mentions.

Search Smarter

Slack Mark As Unread
    • Use modifiers that help you to search smarter. “From:user”, “in:channel”, “during:March”, or “has:emoji-code”, this one is particularly useful if you follow a specific process of emoji usage within your Workspace. You can find a complete list of search modifiers here.

Quick link to previous posts

    • Using the timestamp (time beside your name above a post), you can copy this as a link and paste into a new post, bringing old posts back into the conversation quickly.

Bookmark a location in a channel

    • Some channels require more attention from us than others, if you need to read everything in the channel then use “Alt+click” on the message where you are leaving the channel, it will mark all subsequent messages as unread. On mobile, this should be a long press/hold on the message.

Formatting for Impact

    • Need certain parts of a post to stand out? Then use formatting. E.g., using * either side of a word will embolden it i.e., *here* now becomes here. Or traditional keyboard shortcuts also work. You can also add formatting like inline code or block quotes, very useful to help faster communication of crucial information. More on formatting your messages from Slack.

Deep Work Time – DND

Slack Mark As Unread Shortcut

    • DND – You can type in “/dnd” into the text box and then set a time, or use the bell icon to the top left and select a time frame. Stopping you from receiving any sounds or notifications in the time frame you specify, and your co-workers will see a sleeping symbol beside your name.

Slack Mark All Unread

Customized Emojis

    • Emojis can be useful to speed up communication within your team or to help strengthen branding and team identity. You can add the custom emojis from the drop-down menu on the top left and choose “Customize Slack.” Admins have the power to limit who can edit these.

Integrate! Apps, bots, and workflows

      • Slack supports integrations with 100s of apps. Here is a list of some of the most popular ones. See the Slack help center for details on each and a full list of apps available, follow this link: Zoom for SlackStart a meeting, join a meeting and make a call with Zoom phone. Remember, you must register your Slack and Zoom accounts with the same email address.
      • Trello for SlackManage cards on your boards from Slack, add conversations to cards, and update due dates.
      • Asana for SlackCreate new tasks and turn your conversations in Slack into to-dos in Asana
      • Salesforce for SlackSearch Salesforce records from Slack, configure Salesforce alerts for Slack. Send Slack messages to SalesForce, or send Salesforce records to Slack.
      • Twitter for SlackYou can set up mentions on Twitter to feed into a channel that the team can keep an eye on. Follow similar businesses or your suppliers.
      • Google Calendar for SlackView your full schedule and have your status update when you are scheduled in a meeting.
      • Donut for SlackDonut helps to improve team-building; there are prebuilt connection programs in Donut, one of the most popular functions is virtual random coffees. Help to encourage cross-organizational bonding.
      • Loom for SlackMention @person or #channel directly in your Loom videos, and they can watch the clip without needing to leave Slack.
      • Polly for Slack. This Polls and surveys bot lets you get quick feedback. Use pulse surveys directly in Slack.
    • Greetbot for Slack. An onboarding assistant for Slack. Customize welcome messages and schedule follow-ups.
    • You can also create custom integrations, build your bot, create automated workflows, and much more, read more on this via the Slack help center here.

Do you have a workflow or trick that works well for you in Slack? Then please share it with us over on Twitter @Turingcom.

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