Boron Atomic Mass

Name: Boron Symbol: B Atomic Number: 5 Atomic Mass: 10.811 amu Number of Protons/Electrons: 5 Number of Neutrons: 6 Date of Discovery: 1808 Discoverer: Sir Humphry Davy, J.L Gay-Lussac.

Molar mass of BF3 = 67.8062096 g/mol

Convert grams Boron Trifluoride to moles or moles Boron Trifluoride to grams

Boron Atomic Mass Formula

Molecular weight calculation:
10.811 + 18.9984032*3

  1. Phil Riddel Date: February 11, 2021 The Periodic Table of Elements. The atomic structure of boron, element number 5 in the periodic table, displays a full inner shell of two electrons, with three electrons in the outermost shell, giving the atom three valence electrons available for bonding.
  2. It provides atomic mass, mass excess, nuclear binding energy, nucleon separation energies, Q-values, and nucleon residual interaction parameters for atomic nuclei of the isotope B-17 (Boron, atomic number Z = 5, mass number A = 17).

Symbol# of AtomsBoronB10.811115.944%

In chemistry, the formula weight is a quantity computed by multiplying the atomic weight (in atomic mass units) of each element in a chemical formula by the number of atoms of that element present in the formula, then adding all of these products together.

Boron Atomic Mass 11

Using the chemical formula of the compound and the periodic table of elements, we can add up the atomic weights and calculate molecular weight of the substance.

The atomic weights used on this site come from NIST, the National Institute of Standards and Technology. We use the most common isotopes. This is how to calculate molar mass (average molecular weight), which is based on isotropically weighted averages. This is not the same as molecular mass, which is the mass of a single molecule of well-defined isotopes. For bulk stoichiometric calculations, we are usually determining molar mass, which may also be called standard atomic weight or average atomic mass.

A common request on this site is to convert grams to moles. To complete this calculation, you have to know what substance you are trying to convert. The reason is that the molar mass of the substance affects the conversion. This site explains how to find molar mass.

If the formula used in calculating molar mass is the molecular formula, the formula weight computed is the molecular weight. The percentage by weight of any atom or group of atoms in a compound can be computed by dividing the total weight of the atom (or group of atoms) in the formula by the formula weight and multiplying by 100.


Formula weights are especially useful in determining the relative weights of reagents and products in a chemical reaction. These relative weights computed from the chemical equation are sometimes called equation weights.

BoronBoron Atomic Mass

Finding molar mass starts with units of grams per mole (g/mol). When calculating molecular weight of a chemical compound, it tells us how many grams are in one mole of that substance. The formula weight is simply the weight in atomic mass units of all the atoms in a given formula.

Chemical properties of boron - Health effects of boron - Environmental effects of boron

Atomic number


Atomic mass

10.81 g.mol -1

Electronegativity according to Pauling



2.3 at 20°C

Melting point

2076 °C

Boiling point

3927 °C

Vanderwaals radius

0.098 nm

Ionic radius

0.027 nm



Electronic shell

[ He ] 2s22p1

Energy of first ionisation

800.5 kJ.mol -1

Energy of second ionisation

2426.5 kJ.mol -1

Energy of third ionisation

3658.7 kJ.mol -1

Discovered by

Sir Humphry Davy and J.L Gay-Lussac in 1808


Boron is a non metallic element and the only non-metal of the group 13 of the periodic table the elements. Boron is electron-deficient, possessing a vacant p-orbital. It has several forms, the most common of which is amorphous boron, a dark powder, unreactive to oxygen, water, acids and alkalis. It reacts with metals to form borides.
At standard temperatures boron is a poor electrical conductor but is a good conductor at high temperatures.


The most economically important compound of boron is sodium tetraborate decahydrate Na2B4O7 · 10H2O, or borax, used for insulating fiberglass and sodium perborate bleach. Boric acid is an important compound used in textile products.
Compounds of boron are used in organic synthesis, in the manufacture of a particular type of glasses, and as wood preservatives. Boron filaments are used for advanced aerospace structures, due to their high-strength and light weight.
An early use of borax was to make perborate, the beaching agent once widely used in household detergents. Boron compound also came into the average home in the guise of food preservatives, expecialy for margarine and fish.

Boron in the environment

Boron is not present in nature in elemental form. It is found combined in borax, boric acid, kernite, ulexite, colemanite and borates. Vulcanic spring waters sometime contains boric acids.
Borates are mined in US, Tibet, Chile and Turkey, with world production being about 2 million tonnes per year.

Health effects of boron

Humans can be exposed to boron through fruit and vegetables, water, air and consumer products. we have a regular daily intake of about 2 mg and about 18 mg in out body in total.

When humans consume large amounts of boron-containing food, the boron concentrations in their bodies may rise to levels that can cause health problems. Boron can infect the stomach, liver, kidneys and brains and can eventually lead to death. When exposure to small amounts of boron takes place irritation of the nose, throat or eyes may occur. It takes 5 g of borc acid to make a person ill and 20 grams or more to put its life in danger.

Eating fish or meat will not increase the boron concentrations in our bodies, as boron does not accumulate within the tissues of animals.

Environmental effects of boron

Boron is an element that occurs in the environment mainly through natural processes.
Boron occurs naturally in the environment due to the release into air, soil and water through weathering. It may also occur in groundwater in very small amounts. Humans add boron by manufacturing glass, combusting coal, melting copper and through the addition of agricultural fertilizers. The concentrations of boron that are added by humans are smaller that the naturally added concentrations through natural weathering.

Boron exposure through air and drinking water is not very likely to occur, but the risk of exposure to borate dust in the workplace does exist. Boron exposure may also occur from consumer products such as cosmetics and laundry products.
Plants absorb boron from the ground and through plant-consuming animals it can end up in food chains. Boron has been found in animal tissue, but it is not likely to accumulate.
When animals absorb large amounts of boron over a relatively long period of time through food or drinking water the male reproductive organs will be affected. When animals are exposed to boron during pregnancy their offspring may suffer from birth defects or delayed development. Furthermore, animals are likely to suffer from nose irritation when they breathe in boron.

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