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Modern Biblical Archaeological Discoveries and Bible Discovery Archaeology

Modern Bible archaeology discovery and biblical archaeological discoveries providing proof that the Bible is real and true can be found on our biblical discoveries page.

'That which is far off, and exceeding deep, who can find it out?'
-- Ecclesiastes 7:24

'Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.'
-- John 20:29

Ancient Artifacts
From skeletal remains to long-lost cities buried under desert sands, archaeological finds continue to prove Bible history. Our collection of documented discoveries helps bring biblical events to life and affirms God's infallible Word with tangible proofs.
Please read our archaeological collection of factual biblical discoveries complete with photos and documentation below to learn about life in Bible times and to build up your faith. We plan on adding new articles of modern Bible discovery as time permits.

Giants or Nephilim, which consisted of several races, were mighty men of old and men of renown.

Mount Sinai
This mountain, which burned with fire, was the place where God gave Moses the Ten Commandments.

Noah's Ark
This massive boat-like formation, buried in the mountains of Ararat in Turkey, fits the Genesis account.

Red Sea Crossing
The Gulf of Aqaba, where Moses and the Israelites crossed, houses an Egyptian chariot wheel of gold.

Shroud of Turin
This linen burial cloth, which seems to bear the image of Christ, is indeed a hoax and not an authentic artifact.

Sodom & Gomorrah
These ancient cities, which were destroyed by fire and brimstone, testify to the reality of God's judgment.

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Bible discoveries, biblical archaeology, Bible archeology, modern biblical discoveries, archaeological discoveries, proof that the Bible is true, Bible archaeological discoveries, biblical discovery, archaeological findings, biblical discoveries, archaeology of the Bible, Bible archaeology, archaeological Bible discoveries, Bible discovery, archaeological sightings, modern Bible discoveries, archaeological digs, biblical archeology, proof that the Bible is real, biblical archaeological discoveries, archaeological excavations, Noah's Ark, Mount Sinai, Ark of the Covenant, giants, Sodom and Gomorrah, Red Sea Crossing, Shroud of Turin, wilderness tabernacle, archaeological, archaeology, archeology, Bible, biblical, antiquities, digs, discoveries, documentation, excavations, findings, photographs, photos, photography, pictures, sightings, Ronald Wyatt, Ron Wyatt, Wyatt Archaeological Research, W.A.R.

Bible Discovery Channel


Bible Discovery Software

Modern biblical archaeological discovery and Bible archaeology discoveries complete with photos and documentation provide proof that the Bible is real and true and can be found on the Christ-Centered Mall Biblical Discoveries page.

Bible Discovery Guide

The Bible-Discovery program is freeware. And you can purchase an enlarged version that is suitable for studying the Bible. The Android Bible program offers: - This is a feature rich off-line Bible Study Tool. The text can be scrolled automatically. Scrolling can be speeded up and slowed down. It needs a double click to start scrolling. The Bible-Discovery program is freeware. And you can purchase an enlarged version that is suitable for studying the Bible. Bible Discovery Hour Resources. Bible Discovery Hour Resources. View lessons by date below. Sunday, March 29, 2020. Sunday, April 5, 2020. Sunday, April 12, 2020.