Aws Cli Cheat Sheet

Amazon S3

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Aws Cli Cheat Sheet

What it is S3

Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a Amazon’s service for storing files. It is simple in a sense that one store data using the follwing:

  • bucket: place to store. Its name is unique for all S3 users, which means that there cannot exist two buckets with the same name even if they are private for to different users.
  • key: a unique (for a bucket) name that link to the sotred object. It is common to use path like syntax to group objects.
  • object: any file (text or binary). It can be partitioned.

Sign up

First go to

and sign up for S3. You can also try to create a bucket, upload files etc. Here we will explain how to use it porogramatically.


But first let’s get data we are going to use here. We take the dataset train.csv from We locally store in data directory.

Sampling data

We also sample this dataset in order to have one more example (and faster execution).

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131811c14eac99440f267cMillionaire is at GAN.. nn…and the review h..000000
88460eca71b12782e19ddSHUT yOUR bUTT nnThats right, i siad it. I h..101100
1160916cb62773403858a4'n I agree. Remove. flash; '000000
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4971384ee5646920773c5err.. What exactly happens with Serviceman?000000
10329328ca8dcc0b342980i am a newbe i dont even know how to type on t..000000
95607ffb366cd60c48f56'nAbsolutely agree. No relevance to either hi..000000
83139de66043ff744144bThats what I think did i changed plot to story..000000
90771f2d6367d798492d9'I will improve references. Again, please do n..000000

Installing AWS Command Line Interface and boto

In order to install boto (Python interface to Amazon Web Service) and AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) type:

Then in your home directory create file ~/.aws/credentials with the following:

If you add these configuration as [default], you won’t need to add --profile myaws in CLI commands in Section CLI Basic Commands.

Where to get credentials from

  1. Go to and log in
  2. Click on USER NAME (right top) and select My Security Credentials.
  3. Click on + Access keys (access key ID and secret access key) and then on Create New Acess Key.4 Choose Show access key.

CLI Basic Commands

List buckets

List all buckets

Create buckers

Warning The bucket namespace is shared by all users of the system so you need to change the name.

Upload and download files


The last 4 commands can be done in shell calling:


List files in path

Remove file(s)

Delete bucket

For deleting a bucket use

in order to delete non empty backet use --force option.

In order to empty a backet use

What Boto is

Boto is a Python package that provides interfaces to Amazon Web Services. Here we are focused on its application to S3.


Creating S3 Resource

We start using boto3 by creating S3 resorce object.

From evironment variables

If your credentials are stored as evirionment variables AWS_SECRET_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY then you can do the following:

List buckets

Create a bucket

Warning As before, bucket’s namespace is shared, so the following command may not poroduce a bucket if a bucket with the name exists.

Aws Cheat Sheet Github

Download torrent for adobe photoshop cs6 2015 for mac. And you have the followng Access Control List (ACL) options while creating it:

  • `‘private’,
  • ‘public-read’,
  • ‘public-read-write’,
  • ‘authenticated-read’`.


Aws Cli Cheat Sheet Pdf

List keys in the bucket

The object of class ObjectSummary has to properties Bucket (that returns Bucket object), bucket_name and key that return strings. Is safe.

Filter keys and sort them

Download file

Transform to pandas.DataFrame

One way to do this is to download the file and open it with pandas.read_csv method. If we do not want to do this we have to read it a buffer and open it from there. In order to do this we need to use low level interaction.

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1717f6930af943c80'nn Invitation n I'd like to invite you to..000000
26fbf60373657a531'=Tropical Cyclone GeorgenNamed George, ..000000
39deaefedc0fcb51fNo. I agree with BenBuff91 statement. The AFDI..000000
4345bedef916b9f9e. It seems the typical paranoid and prejudiced..000000

Another way, using higher level download_fileobj requires transform bytes streaiming into text streaming.

09d5dbcb8a5b4ffe7Excuse me? nnHi there. This is . I was just ..000000
1c14eac99440f267cMillionaire is at GAN.. nn…and the review h..000000
2eca71b12782e19ddSHUT yOUR bUTT nnThats right, i siad it. I h..101100
36cb62773403858a4'n I agree. Remove. flash; '000000
47013c411cfcfc56aOK, I will link them on the talk page - could ..000000
584ee5646920773c5err.. What exactly happens with Serviceman?000000
628ca8dcc0b342980i am a newbe i dont even know how to type on t..000000
7ffb366cd60c48f56'nAbsolutely agree. No relevance to either hi..000000
8de66043ff744144bThats what I think did i changed plot to story..000000
9f2d6367d798492d9'I will improve references. Again, please do n..000000

Upload file

With buffer


S3 client: low level access

Access through http(s)

Change Access Control


There are two formats of uri:


Streaming with smart_open



Passing session

02e9c4b5d271ed9e2From McCrillis Nsiah=nnI'm welcome again aft..000000
1717f6930af943c80'nn Invitation n I'd like to invite you to..000000
26fbf60373657a531'=Tropical Cyclone GeorgenNamed George, ..000000
39deaefedc0fcb51fNo. I agree with BenBuff91 statement. The AFDI..000000
4345bedef916b9f9e. It seems the typical paranoid and prejudiced..000000

It is smart enough to recognize from where it has to read

02e9c4b5d271ed9e2From McCrillis Nsiah=nnI'm welcome again aft..000000
1717f6930af943c80'nn Invitation n I'd like to invite you to..000000
26fbf60373657a531'=Tropical Cyclone GeorgenNamed George, ..000000
39deaefedc0fcb51fNo. I agree with BenBuff91 statement. The AFDI..000000
4345bedef916b9f9e. It seems the typical paranoid and prejudiced..000000




How To Use Aws Cli

Last update:2018-11-03